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      la Galleria

      A real journey through Sassuolo’s ceramic district

      The route is divided into six exhibition rooms, each dedicated to a specific historical period.

      An exciting journey that began, precisely, back in 1741…

      Documents, papers, drawings, photographs that tell us more than 300 years of history…

  • News

Marca Corona meets local schools for the Business Culture Week 2023, in collaboration with Stefano Arienti

Marca Corona’s commitment to training young people in art and culture continues thanks to the Marca Corona per l’Arte initiativeson the occasion of the Business Culture Week 2023 promoted by Museimpresa

After last year’s experience, the workshops for local schools are back, in this edition chaired by artist Stefano Arienti and dedicated to shared and participatory experimentation, with a view to awareness and confrontation.

Two days that saw the high school classes of the Chierici High School in Reggio Emilia and the Venturi High School in Modena take part in a didactic journey entitled “Il gioco dei titoli – The game of titles” where dialoguecontingency and wonder intersected to allow the students to develop their own “ideal collection”.

Workshops with schools during the Business Culture Week

On 7 and 8 November, the spaces of Marca Corona welcomed various classes from the Chierici and Venturi (ceramics and figurative arts) high schools for a special experience with the leading exponent of contemporary Arte Povera, the artist Stefano Arienti.

The programme of the days – included in the project Business Culture Week 2023 – saw various preparatory moments for the workshop with the artist, where the students were involved in discovering different aspects of artistic and ceramic production:

  • Firstly through the telling of the reality of Marca Corona by meeting the people who devote themselves every day to the different company activities and the creation of the various collections;
  • later, with a visit to Galleria Marca Corona and the Marca Corona factory, both pivots between past and present of the evolution of the material over time and witnesses of an incremental knowledge transfer that includes traditiontechnology and innovation;
  • followed by a tour at the “House of Creativity” of Marca Corona. This showroom and exhibition space provides a conversation with design that, by taking up the historical legacy of yesterday and today, brings new impulses to the future of creation from an improving and collaborative perspective.

Art lives in the public’s breath and taking up this great thought of Umberto Eco, the workshops focused on the feeling and perceptions of the children, through a process that makes different systems, components and facets of artistic creation coexist

In this regard, the starting point is Stefano Arienti’s exhibition “Opera Aperta”, a homage to the permeability of the artistic journey and the osmotic condition that can exist between contexts, specifically between the cultural and the local, here identified in their attitudes and complexities.

During the two days, workshops with Stefano Arienti took up the artist’s own didactic project called “Il gioco dei titoli”. It is a very simple path, that has to do with the processuality and research into contingency typical of Arienti’s work. 

After a few theoretical reflections, the students then found themselves developing their “ideal collection”, namely a veritable library of titles, imagery and suggestions that is shaped in a shared work.

This was followed by a common dialogue on the selected titles, projected in the auditorium to get to the heart of the origins, the research, the deeper reasoning on the cultural context and the dematerialisation and internalisation of iconographic sources.

Hence the ideal collection, from which to take inspiration to create a collective and participatory work in several stages (workshop and classroom). 

Marca Corona for Business Culture Week 2023: the importance of involving the younger generation

The two-day workshop with high school students and Stefano Arienti are part of the project that for several years has been involving institutions and new generations in the knowledge of the local area and the entrepreneurial culture connected to the Sassuolo ceramic district.

This year, the initiative strengthens its mission with the main theme of Business Culture Week 2023, “People at the heart of sustainable development: The spirit of mindful enterprise”.

Hence the importance of taking people, and especially young people, to discover the immense cultural heritage stored in the museums and archives of large, medium and small Italian companies, through dedicated appointments with the world of art.

For more information on activities dedicated to schools and training organisations, see our dedicated section.